Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Life in 2008................. according to 1968
I stumbled across this interesting Article written in November 1968.
Quite amusing.... we have flatscreen Tv's that can be interactive.
I'll let you be the judge of the rest.
Read the Article HERE
Quite amusing.... we have flatscreen Tv's that can be interactive.
I'll let you be the judge of the rest.
Read the Article HERE
Monday, March 24, 2008
Dubious Cult Running Cafe in Katoomba (my Town) Hippies sucked in by hippie garb and tree house like atmosphere.....
Read This Article
And This
A friend and I have been discussing and re searching all this for weeks.
They seem so happy from an outsiders perception looking in, but then Jim Jones had a lot of people lay down and drink his "Kool Aid" and they all happily did.
I have had many "Hippies" or are they Hippie Crites? tell me....but the food is so good and so cheap. Of course it will be cheap, no one who works there gets paid.
It sickens me that these so called liberal thinking and ethical people would give there money to Mr Spriggs without research.
They wouldnt do it with any other company accused and convicted of child labour offences. Or would they if their hip pocket called and they could justify it to themselves by the fact they are all looking like hippies from the sixties in a very tree house looking Cafe?
I have nothing against the people i have met in this cult, they are victims just as anyone who is in a cult is.
I will continue my boycott and up my distribution of knowledge on this, even at the risk of alienating some so called "friends"
Peace and Organics.
And This
A friend and I have been discussing and re searching all this for weeks.
They seem so happy from an outsiders perception looking in, but then Jim Jones had a lot of people lay down and drink his "Kool Aid" and they all happily did.
I have had many "Hippies" or are they Hippie Crites? tell me....but the food is so good and so cheap. Of course it will be cheap, no one who works there gets paid.
It sickens me that these so called liberal thinking and ethical people would give there money to Mr Spriggs without research.
They wouldnt do it with any other company accused and convicted of child labour offences. Or would they if their hip pocket called and they could justify it to themselves by the fact they are all looking like hippies from the sixties in a very tree house looking Cafe?
I have nothing against the people i have met in this cult, they are victims just as anyone who is in a cult is.
I will continue my boycott and up my distribution of knowledge on this, even at the risk of alienating some so called "friends"
Peace and Organics.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
This is NOT Art! Sick F@#K Starves dog in the name of art.
So Called "Artist" Guillermo Habacuc Vargas has starved a dog to death in the name of Art.
This is disgusting....
He payed a couple of kids to catch the dog, displayed it tied to a pole in a gallery and asked patrons not to feed it,
the dog subsequently died.
There is an online petition against this and links to the galleries displaying his work HERE
Please sign the petition at the least.
I'm off to digg up something lighthearted for this blog now, considering all the serious stuff i have blogged lately.
This is disgusting....
He payed a couple of kids to catch the dog, displayed it tied to a pole in a gallery and asked patrons not to feed it,
the dog subsequently died.
There is an online petition against this and links to the galleries displaying his work HERE
Please sign the petition at the least.
I'm off to digg up something lighthearted for this blog now, considering all the serious stuff i have blogged lately.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
RIAA Screws Artists, Pockets Filesharing Settlement Money
None of the estimated $400 million that the RIAA received in settlements with Napster, KaZaA, and Bolt over allegations of copyright infringement has gone to the artists whose copyrights were allegedly infringed. Now the artists are considering suing the RIAA.
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Boston Dynamics Amazing Robo Dog Quadroped.
This you just have to see......
it's so alive looking its spooky and you almost feel sad when they kick it to show you its stability.
Check it out HERE
it's so alive looking its spooky and you almost feel sad when they kick it to show you its stability.
Check it out HERE
Boycott Top Sponsors of 2008 Olympics.
Here is a Link to the top sponsors of the 2008 Olympics, i urge you to please email these companies notifying them of your boycott and the reasons why.
I will also remind readers that this year is the 19th anniversary of the tiananmen square massacre of students in China.
Its quite amazing to me China even got these Olympics with their track record on Human Rights.
Try searching Tiananmen Square Massacre on a server in china.....
4th June 1989
Monday 17th March 2008
Peace and Freedom for Tibet!
Here is a Link to the top sponsors of the 2008 Olympics, i urge you to please email these companies notifying them of your boycott and the reasons why.
I will also remind readers that this year is the 19th anniversary of the tiananmen square massacre of students in China.
Its quite amazing to me China even got these Olympics with their track record on Human Rights.
Try searching Tiananmen Square Massacre on a server in china.....
4th June 1989
Monday 17th March 2008
Peace and Freedom for Tibet!
Time: Do Americans Care About Big Brother?.......Us in Australia Should we could be Next.
America has blown past countless civil liberties under the Bush Whitehouse. But, the question is -- does anyone in America care? I know I do. And Remember you are more likely to die in a car accident then a terrorist attack...... whats next the war on toyota?
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Calls for Olympic boycott after Tibet brutality
China's crackdown on demonstrators in Tibet has prompted international condemnation and a call for a boycott of this summer's Beijing Olympics.Protesters took to the streets to voice their anger in cities around the world. Some of the protests became violent and in India, Australia and China, police moved in to disperse crowds.Exactly what i posted last night. And the world should.
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Monday, March 17, 2008
Does George Orwell ring a bell? or AzA limits his possibilities of ever being let into China....
Come on......Its 2008 not 1984......
or is it?.......
Read this
This is Crazy
Its about time the world Boycotted the Olympics Altogether.
Love and Peace and Hope
or is it?.......
Read this
This is Crazy
Its about time the world Boycotted the Olympics Altogether.
Love and Peace and Hope
Death Metal Puppy
This puppy dog loves thrashing to death metal. And dont even think about putting an emo cat in the same room as him.Hahahhaah sorry same sort of dog as i have ....a Wired Haired Fox Terrier...couldnt Resist Blogging this :)
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Is it really 2008? Or still the middle Ages? ........makes you think
Young women suffering mental illness were treated with Bible studies and exorcisms as part of a secretive ministry linked to Gloria Jean's Coffees and the Hillsong Church, a media report says.
Troubled young women signed over months of their lives to Mercy Ministries, which offered them little or no medical or psychiatric care, the Sydney Morning Herald investigation found.
Three former ministry residents have blown the whistle on the program, claiming they were independent young women when they entered, but came out broken and suicidal, believing - as ministry staff had told them - that they were possessed by demons and that Satan controlled them.
These women have since been forced to undergo years of intense psychological and psychiatric care to overcome their treatment at the ministry.
Membership at the ministry required residents to sign over any Centrelink benefits, and it's believed the group also received a carers payment to look after the women, the Herald reported on Monday.
The Mercy Ministries website says the group takes in women aged 16 to 28 and offers them support from "psychologists, general practitioners, dietitians, social workers, (and) career counsellors".
However, the three residents speaking out about the ministry say no professional medical services were provided, and instead the program focuses on prayer, Christian counselling and expelling demons from in and around the young women.
"Mercy Ministries staff address the issues that the residents face from a holistic client-focused approach; physical, mental, emotional. The program is voluntary and all aspects are explained comprehensibly to the residents and no force is used," ministry executive manager of programs Judy Watson told the Herald.
Mercy Ministries, sponsored by Gloria Jean's and supported by the Hillsong Foundation, say they have a 90 per cent success rate from their programs.
Troubled young women signed over months of their lives to Mercy Ministries, which offered them little or no medical or psychiatric care, the Sydney Morning Herald investigation found.
Three former ministry residents have blown the whistle on the program, claiming they were independent young women when they entered, but came out broken and suicidal, believing - as ministry staff had told them - that they were possessed by demons and that Satan controlled them.
These women have since been forced to undergo years of intense psychological and psychiatric care to overcome their treatment at the ministry.
Membership at the ministry required residents to sign over any Centrelink benefits, and it's believed the group also received a carers payment to look after the women, the Herald reported on Monday.
The Mercy Ministries website says the group takes in women aged 16 to 28 and offers them support from "psychologists, general practitioners, dietitians, social workers, (and) career counsellors".
However, the three residents speaking out about the ministry say no professional medical services were provided, and instead the program focuses on prayer, Christian counselling and expelling demons from in and around the young women.
"Mercy Ministries staff address the issues that the residents face from a holistic client-focused approach; physical, mental, emotional. The program is voluntary and all aspects are explained comprehensibly to the residents and no force is used," ministry executive manager of programs Judy Watson told the Herald.
Mercy Ministries, sponsored by Gloria Jean's and supported by the Hillsong Foundation, say they have a 90 per cent success rate from their programs.
Great Photoshop Tutorial Site
I just found this great tutorial site on photoshop here it even has downloads for brushes templates ect. Digg it!
This is how police SHOULD react to protesters
A video of an LAPD officer explaining things to an Anon protest group. This is how protests SHOULD be treated.
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Sunday, March 16, 2008
Anonymous 3/14 PRESS RELEASE
The "IDES OF MARCH" is almost upon us and tomorrow thousands of Anoymous Individuals will protest their disgust of the "Church" Scietology across the ENTIRE PLANET.In this video, we, Anonymous, define our plans to DISMANTLE the Church of Scientology and outline the reasons WHY WE FIGHT.
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Saturday, March 15, 2008
Reznor: Radiohead offering was insincere, industry is inept
Any efforts into digital music distribution is a win for fans. Nevertheless, Reznor may have a point when criticizing Radiohead for not going far enough.
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Friday, March 14, 2008
Nike sucks Bum Biscuts
Nike markets blasé cool in Converse All-Stars
My shoes are almost a decade old, so I'm contemplating throwing a party, complete with an ice cream cake, a piñata shaped like a moose and at least one zany game of Charades. Yet, I'm not sure my shoes would appreciate that sort of geektastic affair. After all, my kicks are Converse. So, you know, they're cool.
When was it that Converse became the archetype of footwear hipness? It's been decades since anyone on the basketball court slam dunked in some low-tech, canvas, rubber-toed, thin-soled sneaker. For a many moon, Chuck Taylors were the exclusive foot garb of blasé urban hipsters and that off-kilter cultural studies professor -- the kind of folks who dug Death Cab for Cutie before The O.C. hijacked good music.
But recently it seems like everyone's treading the streets in a pair of Chucks. Those chain stores that sell hunting gear and baseball gloves pawn them. Angsty psuedo-youths on the WB model them. Tweens buy them at the strip mall.
Point is, everyone's wearing Converse. And why is that? 'Cause Converse have nothing to do with making you jump higher or run faster. They're not shiny; they don't light up; they offer absolutely no arch support. They're simple. They're subversive. They help us feel like we're damning the man, mostly because they're cheaper than an iPod.
Ready to have your world shattered? OK. Nike owns Converse.
Yup, as in, "Sweatshops R US" Nike. That Nike. The $10 billion corporation that controlled 39 percent of the U.S. market for athletic shoes in 2003, according to
Nike bought Converse in July of 2003 for $305 million, according to Forbes. That's a crapload of cash. And Nike = big business = lots of advertising and product placement. Now, Converse, Inc. had been ailing for awhile -- filed for bankruptcy in 2001 and bought by some private investors who closed all its U.S. factories and shifted production to Asia. Bah. Then some fashion deity somewhere decided "retro" shoes are all the rage, and sales soared. So, wasn't Nike just doing what businesses do -- swooping in to make big bucks? Sure.
But where does that leave us, those folks who appreciate a simple, monochromatic sneaker, but who'd rather not feed the corporate fat cats?
Well, Adbusters, a progressive magazine and media foundation, recently launched its Blackspot Sneaker. The union-made shoe features organic hemp, a hand-drawn "anti logo" and a striking resemblance to the Converse All-Star low-top. Adbuster's goal is to prove it's possible to build a brand on something other than sweatshop labor, and to reassert consumer sovereignty over capitalism.
All that's swell, but where does that leave those of you with consumer (or coolness) consciousness who aren't so down with anti-capitalist activism? Salivating over that pair of chocolate brown, suede Converse One Stars, I guess. Or sucking it up and shelling out some cold hard cash for hip-looking shoes that profit a not-so-hip company.
None of those decisions are easy, though. I mean, it's hard to always be cognizant of where our dollars are going, and it's easy to buy rock-star style at the mall and it's next-to-impossible to completely avoid sweatshop labor.
So, moral of the story: The O.C. usurped good music. Don't think you're cool 'cause of how your dress. And hipness isn't always as hip as it appears. Especially when there's a corporate swoosh lurking behind a pseudo-subversive footwear icon.
I didn't write this text BTW...a friend fowarded it to me on Facebook
More Coffee........
My shoes are almost a decade old, so I'm contemplating throwing a party, complete with an ice cream cake, a piñata shaped like a moose and at least one zany game of Charades. Yet, I'm not sure my shoes would appreciate that sort of geektastic affair. After all, my kicks are Converse. So, you know, they're cool.
When was it that Converse became the archetype of footwear hipness? It's been decades since anyone on the basketball court slam dunked in some low-tech, canvas, rubber-toed, thin-soled sneaker. For a many moon, Chuck Taylors were the exclusive foot garb of blasé urban hipsters and that off-kilter cultural studies professor -- the kind of folks who dug Death Cab for Cutie before The O.C. hijacked good music.
But recently it seems like everyone's treading the streets in a pair of Chucks. Those chain stores that sell hunting gear and baseball gloves pawn them. Angsty psuedo-youths on the WB model them. Tweens buy them at the strip mall.
Point is, everyone's wearing Converse. And why is that? 'Cause Converse have nothing to do with making you jump higher or run faster. They're not shiny; they don't light up; they offer absolutely no arch support. They're simple. They're subversive. They help us feel like we're damning the man, mostly because they're cheaper than an iPod.
Ready to have your world shattered? OK. Nike owns Converse.
Yup, as in, "Sweatshops R US" Nike. That Nike. The $10 billion corporation that controlled 39 percent of the U.S. market for athletic shoes in 2003, according to
Nike bought Converse in July of 2003 for $305 million, according to Forbes. That's a crapload of cash. And Nike = big business = lots of advertising and product placement. Now, Converse, Inc. had been ailing for awhile -- filed for bankruptcy in 2001 and bought by some private investors who closed all its U.S. factories and shifted production to Asia. Bah. Then some fashion deity somewhere decided "retro" shoes are all the rage, and sales soared. So, wasn't Nike just doing what businesses do -- swooping in to make big bucks? Sure.
But where does that leave us, those folks who appreciate a simple, monochromatic sneaker, but who'd rather not feed the corporate fat cats?
Well, Adbusters, a progressive magazine and media foundation, recently launched its Blackspot Sneaker. The union-made shoe features organic hemp, a hand-drawn "anti logo" and a striking resemblance to the Converse All-Star low-top. Adbuster's goal is to prove it's possible to build a brand on something other than sweatshop labor, and to reassert consumer sovereignty over capitalism.
All that's swell, but where does that leave those of you with consumer (or coolness) consciousness who aren't so down with anti-capitalist activism? Salivating over that pair of chocolate brown, suede Converse One Stars, I guess. Or sucking it up and shelling out some cold hard cash for hip-looking shoes that profit a not-so-hip company.
None of those decisions are easy, though. I mean, it's hard to always be cognizant of where our dollars are going, and it's easy to buy rock-star style at the mall and it's next-to-impossible to completely avoid sweatshop labor.
So, moral of the story: The O.C. usurped good music. Don't think you're cool 'cause of how your dress. And hipness isn't always as hip as it appears. Especially when there's a corporate swoosh lurking behind a pseudo-subversive footwear icon.
I didn't write this text BTW...a friend fowarded it to me on Facebook
More Coffee........
Slapping Myself.......
I just noticed the insert link button.
And here i was trying to remember html that i learnt over 10 years ago.....
*looks Sheepish* Truckstop Honeymoon Nine Inch Nails fan based film festival announcment.
Fight The Power
Ok i will work that out....the Add link button is a farce......
so cut and paste the above
And here i was trying to remember html that i learnt over 10 years ago.....
*looks Sheepish* Truckstop Honeymoon Nine Inch Nails fan based film festival announcment.
Fight The Power
Ok i will work that out....the Add link button is a farce......
so cut and paste the above
Folk Festival Follies
Just waking up .....need more coffee....
The Blue Mountains Folk Festival starts tonight.
and i have a cold....major bummer.
looks like i may just have to soldier on with codral, but then i hear
that Guiness is a Tonic, so massive amounts of said black miraculous
motivation may just do the trick.
There is a band playing that played two years ago that i am particulary keen
I recommend seeing them if you ever get the chance.
Other Highlights look like Sarah Blasko and Kate Miller Heidke.
Should be a great festival and i'm not volunteering for once, so nasty cold permitting i should have some fun and loose some brain cells.
Ok where was I?
thats right.....
More Coffee
Love and Watermelons

Thursday, March 13, 2008
Trent Reznor May Have Paid Only $56.61 to Distribute 'Ghosts
Trent Reznor found a great deal for distributing his comprehensive new Nine Inch Nails album to the Amazon MP3 store: going through TuneCore, while keeping ownership of the master recordings and 100 percent of royalties.
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In Other News...Trent Reznor hammers nails in the Coffin of the Old traditional Music Industry
Finally Artists will be able to make the money they deserve from their brilliant Art.
Dig This......
This Just In....Blog Cherry Broken.....
Well there doesn't appear to be anyone about so i shall have to warmly welcome myself to the world of blogging.
Currently suffering the effects of one too many mountain goat pale ales i find myself staring into space quite often this morning.
Cafe Zuppa was a very good experience despite an altercation with a so called friend.
I will spare you the Details.
We finally seem to be experiencing Summer in the mountains now that it is Autumn.
Go Figure.
Oh well Peace and Mungbeans Freakniks.
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